Cards of the trump suit automatically beat cards of any other suit. If a player does not have any cards of the suit that led, they can play a card of a different suit. Aces are worth the most and 2’s the least. To take a trick, you must play the highest value card of the round. Play proceeds around the circle with all subsequent players following suit, meaning they play a card of the same suit (hearts, diamonds, clubs or spades) as the person who led the round.
Then, the player to the left of the dealer plays a card, which will be the leading suit. Write down each person's bet for reference. After studying their cards, each player says the number of tricks they believe they’ll win that round. The top card from the remaining deck is flipped over, with the suit of the card becoming the trump suit. For a 4 player game, you could start with 12 cards per person while for a 6 player game you could start with 8 per person. You should not deal out all the cards since you need a few remaining cards each round.
To begin each hand, an equal number of cards is dealt to each player. The game is best played with 4-6 players. The objective of the card game Oh Hell is to earn points by taking the exact number of tricks per round that you initially guessed you would.